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Scott EllisScott Ellis

Woodhaven Pro Staff Manager

Mulberry, FL

Scott has been in love with the outdoors since he was 5 years old. It all started with chasing squirrels in the oak hammocks of central Florida. Many moons have passed since then and he has developed into a fully accomplished hunter. His love for sharing hunting knowledge with the masses has landed his articles in over 15 magazines and his deer and turkey hunting prowess have been featured on several television shows including Turkey Call, Get in the Game, Outdoor All Stars and Woodhaven Pure Turkey. His passion for the outdoors is second to none. He is an active competition turkey caller winning the 2013, 2015 and 2016 Grand National Head to Head Division. He has also won over 20 turkey calling titles in his home state of Florida. Additionally he has amassed over 60 more calling titles in 14 states. Chasing gobblers all over the US, he has harvested three Grand Slams one of which was in a single season and two Royal Slams. Whether whitetail hunting with a bow, chasing gobblers in the spring or in his waders calling waterfowl, he purely loves the thrill of the hunt. He resides in Mulberry, Florida with his son Jake and wife Kim.  When asked his proudest accomplishment he stated, “The birth and on-going relationship with my son!” His go to Woodhaven calls are his Scott Ellis Signature Model Mouth Call and the Vision Crystal, paired with a Strike Three birch flare tip striker.

Celebrating 25 Years and Mike Pentecost!