Red Ninja Half Venom

2 customer reviews


WoodHaven’s “RED Ninja Half Venom” diaphragm call is a 3 reed call (top RED reed over two proph reeds) with a snake tongue combo cut which makes it great for producing those raspy yelps, excited cutts, and kee kees, as well as soft clucks and purrs.

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Additional information

Weight 0.125 oz
Dimensions 11.5 × 7.75 × 2.54 in

2 reviews for Red Ninja Half Venom

  1. Sean Sarge

    Great call for raspy yelps, jake kee kee’s, gobbler yelps, clucks and purrs, sounds really good.
    The material separates easily and does not stick together.

  2. bgbaker896

    Great call! I can cut very well with this call when I struggled with other calls. Probably my favorite Woodhaven mouth call at this point because I can run all the sounds very well with it.

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