The Deluxe Striker NEW 2020

2 customer reviews


At WoodHaven, we are continuously striving to think outside the box with new and innovative products. The all new “Deluxe Striker” is the first two piece Diamond-wood Striker/Maple Head combination of its kind. It creates completely different tone and pitches. The Deluxe Striker is a “must have” addition for all of your WoodHaven friction calls. If you are a diamond-wood striker fan, then you need to give the new “Deluxe Striker” a try for yourself. It’s “Pure Turkey”!

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SKU: WH029 Category:


Calling Surface




Ease of Use

Kee Kee


Additional information

Weight 0.125 oz
Dimensions 28 × 10.25 × 2.54 in

2 reviews for The Deluxe Striker NEW 2020

  1. Timmy Jack

    Just picked this new striker up in BPS on 2/11/20. Runs great on slate and glass. Pure Hen Turkey sounds.

  2. raycarroll34

    This striker opens up the realism on your call it gives an option of rasp on low and Loud calling not to mention it kee Kees awesome and cuts the gobblers to the bone!

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