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unnamed (1)Jason Conrad

East Mississippi

Jason began his love for hunting by hunting squirrels with his dad in the old growth hardwoods of east MS at 6 yrs old.  A lot has changed since then with very few virgin hard woods and pines covering most of the landscape.  Jason is an avid bow hunter, chasing white tails throughout deer season and hunting hogs all year long, but his biggest passion is in turkey hunting and competitive calling.  The obsession for turkey hunting came from a friend of his dad’s when he was 11. This elderly gentleman was paralyzed on half his body so if he didn’t call the turkey into gun range, then he was not able to kill the bird. This inspired Jason to also learn to call turkeys.  At age 14 years old Jason was mentored by Preston Pittman, his turkey hunting idol.
By the age of 18 he was running all over the country with another world champion turkey caller, Larry Norton.  He was calling in every contest he could make it to honing his craft.  Jason has since captured 5 Mississippi State Championships, Alabama Open and Friction titles, a Grand National Intermediate championship and has also made the senior finals at the World and Grand Nationals in the Open Division.   It wasn’t until his great friend Sadler McGraw introduced him to friction competitions did he win his biggest title to date. The 2014 World Friction.  As much as he loves calling turkeys and the outdoors,  his favorite thing to do is spend time with his family.  It doesn’t matter what they are doing as long as they are together.

Celebrating 25 Years and Mike Pentecost!