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3 Wild Turkey Toms Crossing a Log Road

Nowadays it seems that turkey calls are a dime a dozen and everyone is building mouth calls.  There are a lot of diaphragm mouth calls in every cut and style imaginable. So how does a turkey hunter know that he or she is getting the best diaphragm turkey call out there?

We believe the number one goal in building turkey calls is Realism!  Realistic sounding turkey calls kill more turkeys…that’s the bottom line.  When it comes to building diaphragm mouth calls , we believe manufacturers should cover every detail to ensure that customers are getting the highest quality, best sounding mouth call that money can buy. 

The All New WoodHaven Ninja Hammer Mouth Call

So how can you ensure that as a consumer you are buying the best diaphragm turkey call out there? Here’s a few things we think you should be on the lookout for:


  • Look for mouth calls that are hand built. Attention to detail and craftsmanship are key. 
  • Make sure that each piece of latex is “miked” for consistency in thickness.
  • Look for each piece of latex to be popped before final stretch.
  • The best mouth calls have latex that is hand stretched!
  • You’ll want each piece of latex hand placed on top of another for perfect reed placement. 
  • Hand cut mouth calls will always outperform machine cut.
  • Look for calls that are 100% manufactured in the USA.


Overall, remember this: Consistency is key. Companies that build diaphragm calls with the details listed above will produce consistent products time after time.

WoodHaven Custom Calls Ninja Series

When you’re shopping for your next turkey hunting mouth call, find a company that has had the same high producing calls in their lineup year after year. You can bet that they have cracked the code to answering the question “how do we build the best mouth call?”.


Using consistently built handmade mouth calls ensures turkey hunters that they are equipped with the best tools available to achieve more success in the field.

So hunters, what’s the best in your vest?


Celebrating 25 Years and Mike Pentecost!