The Freedom Call

1 customer review


“At WoodHaven, we are proud, honored, and thankful to be able to say “Made in America” on all of our calls!  It’s been the backbone of our company since day one.  We love the fact that we are from a small town in Heflin, AL living out the American Dream in this great country we all call home! This special edition crystal call represents everything I believe in…My God, My Family, My Country! Together we can all Make America Great Again!”  The Freedom Call comes with 2 matched strikers, a surface saver lid, and conditioning kit.
God Bless,
Mike Pentecost

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Calling Surface




Ease of Use

Kee Kee


Additional information

Weight 0.7 oz
Dimensions 28 × 18 × 4 in

1 review for The Freedom Call

  1. Jackie Benton

    What a beautiful call. I am grateful to have been able to get this at the NWTF in Nashville. I won’t be able to review the sound because it will go into my collection. Thanks Mr. Mike for your signature! Take care and God bless!

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